Due to the specific waveforms utilised in the range of electrical input equipment, most processors do not have the necessary measurement equipment to determine the correct electrical waveform parameter output of the equipment. StimTech has the experience and measurement equipment to provide servicing of the equipment either at StimTech’s facility or on site.


StimTech’s experience and measurment equipment enables us to facilitate the repair and maintenance of the range of electrical input equipment through in house repairs or returning it to the manufacturer.


StimTech’s knowledge and experience of the equipment, its use in industry, and portable measurement equipment enables us to attend site to audit the operation and safety of the equipment. Including;

  1.  A check of safety equipment and signage.
  2.  Correct any minor issues.
  3.  Test the electrical output.
  4.  Download the stored parameter sets.
  5.  A written report including findings and recommendations.