
The controlled stimulation of carcasses is important to optimise pH fall with respect to temperature and avoid the effects of cold shortening or heat toughening on meat quality.The StimTech stimulation system operates on an individual carcass with controlled current, achieving control of the stimulation effect for each animal and minimising between carcass variation.The control of pulse width and pulse period enables the effective stimulation of carcasses early or late in the process.

Low Voltage Stimulation (LVS) is applied during bleeding with the added advantages of increased blood recovery and reduced subsequent carcass movement.For beef processing low currents and long pulse periods can be used to minimise the pH effect while still achieving increased bleeding.

Mid Voltage Stimulation (MVS) is applied to carcasses post inspection and prior to chiller entry.Contact StimTech to discuss what stimulation system would best suit your process.

Single and four module units are available and multiple units can be integrated to match processing speeds.